Photoshop: Manual Rotoscoping


Use an appropriate design process to create and modify solutions to problems. The student is expected to:

(A)  combine graphics, images, and sound;

(B)  apply principles of design;

(C)  develop and reference technical documentation; and

(D)  edit products.

(13)  The student creates animation projects. The student is expected to:

(A)  use a variety of techniques and software programs; and

(B)  publish and deliver products using a variety of media.


Students will organize and plan a 10-20 second Rotoscope scene in Photoshop. The scene FPS should be 8-10 frames per second, have color, and tell a brief story.  Progress updates will be required on Wednesdays and Fridays of each week until completed. The final version of the rotoscope video will be posted to published in YouTube, and the link to the YouTube video will be posted to their web blog. 

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