Intro to Adobe Illustrator


I can identify elements of the Illustrator user interface (UI) and demonstrate knowledge of their functions by

1. Using non-printing design tools in the interface

2. Demonstrating an understanding of and select the appropriate features and options required to manage color, pattern, and gradient swatches.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of layers and masks.

4. Import, export, and save files.

5. Demonstrate knowledge of how to create documents.

6. Demonstrate knowledge of how to use drawing and shape tools.

7. Demonstrate knowledge of preparing graphics for web, print, and video.

8. Explain the advantages and disadvantages between Vector and Bitmap images 


Students will watch tutorial videos to become familiar with the user interface (UI) when working within illustrator.

Students will become familiar with the most common tools in Adobe Illustrator such as the select tool, direct select tool, and the pen tool by completing various practice exercises. 

Assignments to be completed and posted to your blog:

1. Illustrator Tools Worksheet (can do as a group)

2. Pen Tool Exercise 1

3. Pen Tool Exercise 2


Pen Tool Exercise Video

NOTE: You will use Pen tool Exercise 1 worksheet for this assignment. You will do Pen Tool Exercise 2 on your own. Both files are in Google Classroom. 

In Google Classroom you will find the following assets:

  1. Pen Tool Exercise 1
  2. Pen Tool Exercise 2
  3. Illustrator tool worksheet
  4. Shortcut Reference Guide

Extra Practice:

Bezier Game

Beizer Game Instructions Video





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